This non-binding offer is specifically intended for end customers in industry, commerce, trade and commerce (not for wholesalers or resellers). All prices are net prices in € and do not include VAT. We reserve the right to sell items only in customary quantities. Delivery to wholesalers and commercial resellers is excluded. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the prices for the items shown apply according to the description, but not for content, accessories or decoration. Place of jurisdiction is Munich.
You receive a 24-month minimum guarantee on our products from the date of purchase for material and processing defects, which we eliminate either through repairs, credit or an exchange delivery. Damage or malfunctions due to incorrect operation or natural wear and tear are not covered by the guarantee. In addition, the statutory warranty claims apply.
Delivery against invoice
Delivery is usually against invoice. Invoices are due for payment within 30 days of the invoice date without deduction. In this case, we collect the invoice amount 30 days after the invoice date. Deliveries are made exclusively to addresses within Germany. If, contrary to expectations, a product is not available, we will inform you immediately. All goods remain our property until full payment. After default in payment for the 2nd and 3rd reminder, we claim EUR 4.00 in reminder fees for each invoice due, but no more than EUR 8.00 per invoice. All other open claims are automatically due for payment immediately, even if the payment term granted there has not yet been exceeded. In this context, we also transfer your address, order and payment data.
24-Hour delivery service at no extra charge
We usually keep all items in stock, except for those marked "Carriage paid to ground floor". If your order is received by 5 p.m., we will ship your item on the same working day. The goods are almost always delivered to you by parcel service the next day.
We deliver in the manner stated here. We cannot accept deviating conditions of the customer, even if we do not expressly object to them.
Formation of the contract
You make a binding offer when you go through the entire ordering process. After you have submitted your order, we will send you an e-mail confirming that we have received your order and listing its details. This confirmation of receipt does not constitute acceptance of your offer, but is only intended to inform you that we have received your order. The purchase contract is only concluded when the items you have ordered are sent or an express order confirmation is issued. Delivery dates are non-binding unless otherwise agreed in writing.